This program should be runnable as a systemd user service to periodically query the user's PGP key and lock the screen if the key is locked.
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Gregory Rudolph 5a80d66033
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A logind locker using PGP


This program should be runnable as a systemd user service to periodically query the user's PGP key and lock the screen if the key is locked.

Current Status

  • journald is being used for logging
  • connection to logind is being made
  • user's ~/.pgplockd file can be read for PGP Fingerprint
  • current session is being found
  • timeout loop can lock session using logind\

To Do

  • Implement an actual check for unlock status
  • Random message generator?


  • User logs in
  • pgplockd starts
  • Random message is generated and requested to be signed, timeout countdown starts
  • User unlocks PGP key and signs message OR countdown locks screen
  • Timer starts, then another message is generated

If the user does/can not unlock the PGP key (be it a removed smartcard or otherwise) logind should lock the screen.