quotes=[]string{"The hardest choices require the strongest wills.","You're strong, but I could snap my fingers and you'd all cease to exist.","Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.","Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.","I am inevitable."}
fmt.Sprintf("This is a reminder that you have not verified with me and will be removed in %+v. You may reply to this message for verification instructions.",time.Until(v.Add(1*time.Hour))))
s.ChannelMessageSend(config.AdminChannel,fmt.Sprintf("%+v was removed.",m.Mention()))
s.GuildMemberDeleteWithReason(config.GuildID,k,fmt.Sprintf("Unverified user %+v.",v))
m,_:=s.ChannelMessageSend(config.IntroChann,fmt.Sprintf("Welcome %+v please introduce yourself! :) feel free to check out <#710557387937022034> to tag your roles. Also please mute any channels you are not interested in!",u.Mention()))
s.ChannelMessageSend(st.ID,fmt.Sprintf("Your verification has been rejected. This means it did not clearly show your face, with your pinkie finger held to the corner of your mouth, or the photo looked edited/filtered. No filters will be accepted.\n\nPlease try again before %+v",time.Until(time.Now().Add(1*time.Hour))))
s.ChannelMessageSend(st.ID,"What is your ASL? (Age/Sex/Language) Please note, this is NOT requesting your gender, but your biological sex. Gender is a social construct, sex is biology and in the context of pornographic images more important.")