package main // Path where Downloaded files will default to var downloadPath = "/tmp/" var colorless bool = false var channelsColor = basicStyle var channelUnreadColor = channelsColor.withForeground(green).withItalic() var channelsHeaderColor = channelsColor.withForeground(magenta).withBold() var mentionColor = basicStyle.withForeground(green) var messageHeaderColor = basicStyle.withForeground(grey) var messageIDColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow) var messageTimeColor = basicStyle.withForeground(magenta) var messageSenderDefaultColor = basicStyle.withForeground(cyan) var messageSenderDeviceColor = messageSenderDefaultColor var messageBodyColor = basicStyle var messageAttachmentColor = basicStyle.withForeground(red) var messageLinkURLColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow) var messageLinkKeybaseColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow) var messageReactionColor = basicStyle.withForeground(magenta) var messageCodeColor = basicStyle.withBackground(grey).withForeground(cyan) var feedColor = basicStyle.withForeground(grey) var errorColor = basicStyle.withForeground(red) // BASH-like PS1 variable equivalent var outputFormat = "┌──[$USER@$DEVICE] [$ID] [$DATE - $TIME]\n└╼ $MSG" var outputStreamFormat = "┌──[$TEAM] [$USER@$DEVICE] [$ID] [$DATE - $TIME]\n└╼ $MSG" var mentionFormat = outputStreamFormat var pmFormat = "PM from $USER@$DEVICE: $MSG" // 02 = Day, Jan = Month, 06 = Year var dateFormat = "02Jan06" // 15 = hours, 04 = minutes, 05 = seconds var timeFormat = "15:04" // The prefix before evaluating a command var cmdPrefix = "/"