// +build !rm_basic_commands allcommands execcmd package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "strings" ) func init() { command := Command{ Cmd: []string{"exec", "ex"}, Description: "$keybase args - executes keybase $args and returns the output", Help: "", Exec: cmdExec, } RegisterCommand(command) } func cmdExec(cmd []string) { l := len(cmd) switch { case l >= 2: if cmd[1] == "keybase" { // if the user types /exec keybase wallet list // only send ["wallet", "list"] runKeybaseExec(cmd[2:]) } else { // send everything except the command runKeybaseExec(cmd[1:]) } case l == 1: fallthrough default: printExecHelp() } } func runKeybaseExec(args []string) { cmd := exec.Command("keybase", args...) output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Exec error: %+v", err)) } else { channel.Name = "" // unjoin the chat clearView("Chat") setViewTitle("Input", fmt.Sprintf(" /exec %s ", strings.Join(args, " "))) printToView("Chat", fmt.Sprintf("%s", output)) } } func printExecHelp() { printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("To execute a keybase command use %sexec ", config.Basics.CmdPrefix)) }