Browse Source

Mo' colors

- Stream is colored now
- Stream is formatted
- Stream has it's own formatting option
- Colors are now a style, and is a struct
- Color struct has a pretty cool functional interface
- colored mentions and PMs
- Every message uses the same function (it's dry!!)
- Colorize errors!
- Create function for visualizing errors
- colorized some of the command output!
- Color is stored in a Style
- Create a Text struct that can use to stylize strings "easily"
- Text can be used to build strings
- color highlighting on code
- added tml config support
- added different color for mention url
- Added sprintf to use formatting with PrintFeed and PrintError

Known Bugs: (added as todos whereever)
- Cannot use multiple formatting at the same time (*bold _italic_*
doesn't work
- sprintf is pretty shit
- background doesn't cover as a `block` in codeblocks
- not possible to escape sprintf thing
Casper Weiss Bang 5 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 13
  3. 12
  4. 6
  5. 4
  6. 2
  7. 7
  8. 46
  9. 8
  10. 9
  11. 5
  12. 8
  13. 234
  14. 57
  15. 160
  16. 10
  17. 36


@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ func cmdDelete(cmd []string) { @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ func cmdDelete(cmd []string) {
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
_, err := chat.Delete(messageID)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error deleting your message."))
printError("There was an error deleting your message.")


@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ func init() { @@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ func init() {
func cmdDownloadFile(cmd []string) {
if len(cmd) < 2 {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $messageId $fileName - Download a file to user's downloadpath", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $messageId $fileName - Download a file to user's downloadpath", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
messageID, err := strconv.Atoi(cmd[1])
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", "There was an error converting your messageID to an int")
printError("There was an error converting your messageID to an int")
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
api, err := chat.ReadMessage(messageID)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error pulling message %d", messageID))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error pulling message %d", messageID))
if api.Result.Messages[0].Msg.Content.Type != "attachment" {
printToView("Feed", "No attachment detected")
printError("No attachment detected")
var fileName string
@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ func cmdDownloadFile(cmd []string) { @@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ func cmdDownloadFile(cmd []string) {
_, err = chat.Download(messageID, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", downloadPath, fileName))
channelName := messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize(channel.Name)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error downloading %s from %s", fileName, channel.Name))
printErrorF(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error downloading %s from $TEXT", fileName), channelName)
} else {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Downloaded %s from %s", fileName, channel.Name))
printInfoF(fmt.Sprintf("Downloaded %s from $TEXT", fileName), channelName)


@ -27,21 +27,21 @@ func cmdEdit(cmd []string) { @@ -27,21 +27,21 @@ func cmdEdit(cmd []string) {
messageID, _ = strconv.Atoi(cmd[1])
} else if lastMessage.ID != 0 {
if lastMessage.Type != "text" {
printToView("Feed", "Last message isn't editable (is it an edit?)")
printError("Last message isn't editable (is it an edit?)")
messageID = lastMessage.ID
} else {
printToView("Feed", "No message to edit")
printError("No message to edit")
origMessage, _ := chat.ReadMessage(messageID)
if origMessage.Result.Messages[0].Msg.Content.Type != "text" {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", origMessage))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", origMessage))
if origMessage.Result.Messages[0].Msg.Sender.Username != k.Username {
printToView("Feed", "You cannot edit another user's messages.")
printError("You cannot edit another user's messages.")
editString := origMessage.Result.Messages[0].Msg.Content.Text.Body
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ func cmdEdit(cmd []string) { @@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ func cmdEdit(cmd []string) {
if len(cmd) < 3 {
printToView("Feed", "Not enough options for Edit")
printError("Not enough options for Edit")
messageID, _ = strconv.Atoi(cmd[1])
newMessage := strings.Join(cmd[2:], " ")
_, err := chat.Edit(messageID, newMessage)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Error editing message %d, %+v", messageID, err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Error editing message %d, %+v", messageID, err))


@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ func cmdJoin(cmd []string) { @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ func cmdJoin(cmd []string) {
channel.TopicName = ""
channel.MembersType = keybase.USER
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("You are joining: %s", joinedName))
printInfoF("You are joining: $TEXT", messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize(joinedName))
setViewTitle("Input", fmt.Sprintf(" %s ", joinedName))
go populateChat()
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("To join a team use %sjoin <team> <channel>", cmdPrefix))
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("To join a PM use %sjoin <user>", cmdPrefix))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("To join a team use %sjoin <team> <channel>", cmdPrefix))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("To join a PM use %sjoin <user>", cmdPrefix))


@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ func cmdPost(cmd []string) { @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ func cmdPost(cmd []string) {
chat := k.NewChat(pubChan)
_, err := chat.Send(post)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error with your post: %+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error with your post: %+v", err))
} else {
printToView("Feed", "You have publically posted to your wall, signed by your current device.")
printInfo("You have publically posted to your wall, signed by your current device.")


@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ func doReact(messageID int, reaction string) { @@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ func doReact(messageID int, reaction string) {
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
_, err := chat.React(messageID, reaction)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", "There was an error reacting to the message.")
printError("There was an error reacting to the message.")


@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ func init() { @@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ func init() {
func cmdReply(cmd []string) {
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
if len(cmd) < 2 {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $ID - Reply to message $ID", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $ID - Reply to message $ID", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
messageID, err := strconv.Atoi(cmd[1])
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error determining message ID %s", cmd[1]))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error determining message ID %s", cmd[1]))
_, err = chat.Reply(messageID, strings.Join(cmd[2:], " "))
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", "There was an error with your reply.")
printError("There was an error with your reply.")


@ -23,25 +23,24 @@ func printSetting(cmd []string) { @@ -23,25 +23,24 @@ func printSetting(cmd []string) {
switch cmd[1] {
case "load":
printInfo("Loading config from toml")
case "downloadPath":
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], downloadPath))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], downloadPath))
case "outputFormat":
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], outputFormat))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], outputFormat))
case "dateFormat":
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], dateFormat))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], dateFormat))
case "timeFormat":
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], timeFormat))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], timeFormat))
case "cmdPrefix":
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], cmdPrefix))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Setting for %s -> %s", cmd[1], cmdPrefix))
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Unknown config value %s", cmd[1]))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown config value %s", cmd[1]))
func cmdSet(cmd []string) {
if len(cmd) < 2 {
printToView("Feed", "No config value specified")
printError("No config value specified")
if len(cmd) < 3 {
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ func cmdSet(cmd []string) { @@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ func cmdSet(cmd []string) {
switch cmd[1] {
case "downloadPath":
if len(cmd) != 3 {
printToView("Feed", "Invalid download path.")
printError("Invalid download path.")
downloadPath = cmd[2]
case "outputFormat":
@ -63,17 +62,17 @@ func cmdSet(cmd []string) { @@ -63,17 +62,17 @@ func cmdSet(cmd []string) {
case "cmdPrefix":
cmdPrefix = cmd[2]
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Unknown config value %s", cmd[1]))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown config value %s", cmd[1]))
func loadFromToml() {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Loading config from toml"))
config, err := toml.LoadFile("kbtui.tml")
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Could not read config file: %+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Could not read config file: %+v", err))
colorless = config.GetDefault("Basics.colorless", false).(bool)
if config.Has("Basics.colorless") {
colorless = config.Get("Basics.colorless").(bool)
@ -92,5 +91,26 @@ func loadFromToml() { @@ -92,5 +91,26 @@ func loadFromToml() {
if config.Has("Formatting.timeFormat") {
timeFormat = config.Get("Formatting.timeFormat").(string)
channelsColor = styleFromConfig(config, "channels.basic")
channelsHeaderColor = styleFromConfig(config, "channels.header")
channelUnreadColor = styleFromConfig(config, "channels.unread")
mentionColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.mention")
messageHeaderColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.header")
messageIDColor = styleFromConfig(config, "")
messageTimeColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.time")
messageSenderDefaultColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.sender_default")
messageSenderDeviceColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.sender_device")
messageBodyColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.body")
messageAttachmentColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.attachment")
messageLinkURLColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.link_url")
messageLinkKeybaseColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.link_keybase")
messageReactionColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.reaction")
messageCodeColor = styleFromConfig(config, "message.code")
feedColor = styleFromConfig(config, "feed.basic")
errorColor = styleFromConfig(config, "feed.error")


@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
package main
import (
func init() {
command := Command{
Cmd: []string{"stream", "s"},
@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ func cmdStream(cmd []string) { @@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ func cmdStream(cmd []string) {
stream = true
channel.Name = ""
printToView("Feed", "You are now viewing the formatted stream")
setViewTitle("Input", " Stream - Not in a chat /j to join ")
printInfo("You are now viewing the formatted stream")
setViewTitle("Input", fmt.Sprintf(" Stream - Not in a chat. %sj to join ", cmdPrefix))


@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ func init() { @@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ func init() {
func cmdUploadFile(cmd []string) {
if len(cmd) < 2 {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $filePath $fileName - Upload file from absolute path with optional name", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s $filePath $fileName - Upload file from absolute path with optional name", cmdPrefix, cmd[0]))
filePath := cmd[1]
if !strings.HasPrefix(filePath, "/") {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error determining path %+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error determining path %+v", err))
filePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, filePath)
@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ func cmdUploadFile(cmd []string) { @@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ func cmdUploadFile(cmd []string) {
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
_, err := chat.Upload(fileName, filePath)
channelName := messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize(channel.Name).string()
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error uploading %s to %s\n%+v", filePath, channel.Name, err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error uploading %s to %s\n%+v", filePath, channelName, err))
} else {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Uploaded %s to %s", filePath, channel.Name))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Uploaded %s to %s", filePath, channelName))


@ -64,13 +64,14 @@ func cmdPopulateWall(cmd []string) { @@ -64,13 +64,14 @@ func cmdPopulateWall(cmd []string) {
if len(users) < 1 {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Displaying public messages for user %s", requestedUsers))
printInfoF("Displaying public messages for user $TEXT", messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize(requestedUsers))
for _, chann := range users {
chat := k.NewChat(chann)
api, err := chat.Read()
if err != nil {
if len(users) < 6 {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error for user %s: %+v", cleanChannelName(chann.Name), err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error for user %s: %+v", cleanChannelName(chann.Name), err))
} else {


@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ func cmdWallet(cmd []string) { @@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ func cmdWallet(cmd []string) {
walletConfirmationCode = b.String()
walletConfirmationUser = cmd[1]
walletTransactionAmnt = cmd[2]
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("To confirm sending %s to %s, type /confirm %s %s", cmd[2], cmd[1], cmd[1], walletConfirmationCode))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("To confirm sending %s to %s, type /confirm %s %s", cmd[2], cmd[1], cmd[1], walletConfirmationCode))
} else if cmd[0] == "confirm" {
if cmd[1] == walletConfirmationUser && cmd[2] == walletConfirmationCode {
txWallet := k.NewWallet()
wAPI, err := txWallet.SendXLM(walletConfirmationUser, walletTransactionAmnt, "")
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error with your wallet tx:\n\t%+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error with your wallet tx:\n\t%+v", err))
} else {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("You have sent %sXLM to %s with tx ID: %s", wAPI.Result.Amount, wAPI.Result.ToUsername, wAPI.Result.TxID))
printInfo(fmt.Sprintf("You have sent %sXLM to %s with tx ID: %s", wAPI.Result.Amount, wAPI.Result.ToUsername, wAPI.Result.TxID))
} else {
printToView("Feed", "There was an error validating your confirmation. Your wallet has been untouched.")
printError("There was an error validating your confirmation. Your wallet has been untouched.")


@ -2,42 +2,230 @@ package main @@ -2,42 +2,230 @@ package main
import (
// TODO maybe datastructure
// BASH-like PS1 variable equivalent (without colours)
// TODO bold? cursive etc?
func color(c int) string {
// Begin Colors
type color int
const (
black color = iota
normal color = -1
func colorFromString(s string) color {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
switch s {
case "black":
return black
case "red":
return red
case "green":
return green
case "yellow":
return yellow
case "purple":
return purple
case "magenta":
return magenta
case "cyan":
return cyan
case "grey":
return grey
case "normal":
return normal
printError(fmt.Sprintf("color `%s` cannot be parsed.", s))
return normal
// Style struct for specializing the style/color of a stylize
type Style struct {
foregroundColor color
backgroundColor color
bold bool
italic bool // Currently not supported by the UI library
underline bool
strikethrough bool // Currently not supported by the UI library
inverse bool
var basicStyle = Style{normal, normal, false, false, false, false, false}
func styleFromConfig(config *toml.Tree, key string) Style {
key = "Colors." + key + "."
style := basicStyle
if config.Has(key + "foreground") {
style = style.withForeground(colorFromString(config.Get(key + "foreground").(string)))
if config.Has(key + "background") {
style = style.withForeground(colorFromString(config.Get(key + "background").(string)))
if config.GetDefault(key+"bold", false).(bool) {
style = style.withBold()
if config.GetDefault(key+"italic", false).(bool) {
style = style.withItalic()
if config.GetDefault(key+"underline", false).(bool) {
style = style.withUnderline()
if config.GetDefault(key+"strikethrough", false).(bool) {
style = style.withStrikethrough()
if config.GetDefault(key+"inverse", false).(bool) {
style = style.withInverse()
return style
func (s Style) withForeground(f color) Style {
s.foregroundColor = f
return s
func (s Style) withBackground(f color) Style {
s.backgroundColor = f
return s
func (s Style) withBold() Style {
s.bold = true
return s
func (s Style) withInverse() Style {
s.inverse = true
return s
func (s Style) withItalic() Style {
s.italic = true
return s
func (s Style) withStrikethrough() Style {
s.strikethrough = true
return s
func (s Style) withUnderline() Style {
s.underline = true
return s
// TODO create both as `reset` (which it is now) as well as `append`
// which essentially just adds on top. that is relevant in the case of
// bold/italic etc - it should add style - not clear.
func (s Style) toANSI() string {
if colorless {
return ""
if c < 0 {
return "\033[0m"
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[0;%dm", 29+c)
output := "\x1b[0m\x1b[0"
if s.foregroundColor != normal {
output += fmt.Sprintf(";%d", 30+s.foregroundColor)
if s.backgroundColor != normal {
output += fmt.Sprintf(";%d", 40+s.backgroundColor)
if s.bold {
output += ";1"
if s.italic {
output += ";3"
if s.underline {
output += ";4"
if s.inverse {
output += ";7"
if s.strikethrough {
output += ";9"
return output + "m"
// TODO maybe make the text into some datastructure which remembers the color
func colorText(text string, color string, offColor string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", color, text, offColor)
// End Colors
// Begin StyledString
// StyledString is used to save a message with a style, which can then later be rendered to a string
type StyledString struct {
message string
style Style
func colorUsername(username string, offColor string) string {
var color = messageSenderDefaultColor
if username == k.Username {
color = mentionColor
// TODO handle all formatting types
func (s Style) sprintf(base string, parts ...StyledString) StyledString {
text := s.stylize(removeFormatting(base))
//TODO handle posibility to escape
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\$TEXT`)
for len(re.FindAllString(text.message, 1)) > 0 {
part := parts[0]
parts = parts[1:]
text = text.replaceN("$TEXT", part, 1)
return colorText(username, color, offColor)
return text
func (s Style) stylize(msg string) StyledString {
return StyledString{msg, s}
func (t StyledString) stringFollowedByStyle(style Style) string {
return + t.message + style.toANSI()
func colorRegex(msg string, match string, color string, offColor string) string {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(match)
return re.ReplaceAllString(msg, colorText(`$1`, color, offColor))
func (t StyledString) string() string {
return t.stringFollowedByStyle(basicStyle)
func colorReplaceMentionMe(msg string, offColor string) string {
//var coloredOwnName = colorText(k.Username, mentionColor, offColor)
//return strings.Replace(msg, k.Username, coloredOwnName, -1)
return colorRegex(msg, "(@?"+k.Username+")", mentionColor, offColor)
func (t StyledString) replace(match string, value StyledString) StyledString {
return t.replaceN(match, value, -1)
func (t StyledString) replaceN(match string, value StyledString, n int) StyledString {
t.message = strings.Replace(t.message, match, value.stringFollowedByStyle(, n)
return t
func (t StyledString) replaceString(match string, value string) StyledString {
t.message = strings.Replace(t.message, match, value, -1)
return t
func (t StyledString) replaceRegex(match string, value StyledString) StyledString {
var re = regexp.MustCompile("(" + match + ")")
t.message = re.ReplaceAllString(t.message, value.stringFollowedByStyle(
return t
// Overrides current formatting
func (t StyledString) colorRegex(match string, style Style) StyledString {
re := regexp.MustCompile("(" + match + ")")
subStrings := re.FindAllString(t.message, -1)
for _, element := range subStrings {
cleanSubstring := style.stylize(removeFormatting(element))
t.message = strings.Replace(t.message, element, cleanSubstring.stringFollowedByStyle(, -1)
return t
// Old versionreturn t.replaceRegex(match, style.stylize(`$1`))
// Appends the other stylize at the end, but retains same style
func (t StyledString) append(other StyledString) StyledString {
t.message = t.message + other.stringFollowedByStyle(
return t
func (t StyledString) appendString(other string) StyledString {
t.message += other
return t
// Begin Formatting
func removeFormatting(s string) string {
reFormatting := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)\x1b\[(\d*;?)*m`)
return reFormatting.ReplaceAllString(s, "")


@ -16,15 +16,48 @@ timeFormat = "15:04" @@ -16,15 +16,48 @@ timeFormat = "15:04"
channelsColor = 8
channelsHeaderColor = 6
noColor = -1
mentionColor = 3
messageHeaderColor = 8
messageIdColor = 7
messageTimeColor = 6
messageSenderDefaultColor = 8
messageSenderDeviceColor = 8
messageBodyColor = -1
messageAttachmentColor = 2
messageLinkColor = 4
foreground = "normal"
foreground = "magenta"
bold = true
foreground = "green"
italic = true
foreground = "normal"
foreground = "grey"
foreground = "green"
italic = true
bold = true
foreground = "yellow"
foreground = "magenta"
foreground = "cyan"
bold = true
foreground = "cyan"
foreground = "red"
foreground = "yellow"
foreground = "yellow"
foreground = "magenta"
bold = true
foreground = "cyan"
background = "grey"
foreground = "grey"
foreground = "red"


@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error { @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
feedView.Autoscroll = true
feedView.Wrap = true
feedView.Title = "Feed Window"
fmt.Fprintln(feedView, "Feed Window - If you are mentioned or receive a PM it will show here")
printInfo("Feed Window - If you are mentioned or receive a PM it will show here")
if chatView, err2 := g.SetView("Chat", maxX/2-maxX/3, maxY/5+1, maxX-1, maxY-5, 0); err2 != nil {
if !gocui.IsUnknownView(err2) {
@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error { @@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error {
chatView.Autoscroll = true
chatView.Wrap = true
fmt.Fprintf(chatView, "Welcome %s!\n\nYour chats will appear here.\nSupported commands are as follows:\n\n", k.Username)
welcomeText := basicStyle.stylize("Welcome $USER!\n\nYour chats will appear here.\nSupported commands are as follows:\n")
welcomeText = welcomeText.replace("$USER", mentionColor.stylize(k.Username))
fmt.Fprintln(chatView, welcomeText.string())
if inputView, err3 := g.SetView("Input", maxX/2-maxX/3, maxY-4, maxX-1, maxY-1, 0); err3 != nil {
@ -176,20 +178,19 @@ func getViewTitle(viewName string) string { @@ -176,20 +178,19 @@ func getViewTitle(viewName string) string {
view, err := g.View(viewName)
if err != nil {
// in case there is active tab completion, filter that to just the view title and not the completion options.
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Error getting view title: %s", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting view title: %s", err))
return ""
return strings.Split(view.Title, "||")[0]
func popupView(viewName string) {
_, err := g.SetCurrentView(viewName)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
_, err = g.SetViewOnTop(viewName)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
updatingView, err := g.View(viewName)
@ -247,6 +248,24 @@ func writeToView(viewName string, message string) { @@ -247,6 +248,24 @@ func writeToView(viewName string, message string) {
return nil
// this removes formatting
func printError(message string) {
func printErrorF(message string, parts ...StyledString) {
printToView("Feed", errorColor.sprintf(removeFormatting(message), parts...).string())
// this removes formatting
func printInfo(message string) {
// this removes formatting
func printInfoF(message string, parts ...StyledString) {
printToView("Feed", feedColor.sprintf(removeFormatting(message), parts...).string())
func printToView(viewName string, message string) {
g.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error {
updatingView, err := g.View(viewName)
@ -287,13 +306,12 @@ func populateChat() { @@ -287,13 +306,12 @@ func populateChat() {
chat = k.NewChat(channel)
_, err2 := chat.Read(2)
if err2 != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err))
go populateChat()
go generateChannelTabCompletionSlice()
var printMe []string
var actuallyPrintMe string
@ -325,75 +343,122 @@ func populateList() { @@ -325,75 +343,122 @@ func populateList() {
if testVar, err := k.ChatList(); err != nil {
log.Printf("%+v", err)
} else {
var recentPMs = fmt.Sprintf("%s---[PMs]---%s\n", channelsHeaderColor, channelsColor)
var textBase = channelsColor.stylize("")
var recentPMs = textBase.append(channelsHeaderColor.stylize("---[PMs]---\n"))
var recentPMsCount = 0
var recentChannels = fmt.Sprintf("%s---[Teams]---%s\n", channelsHeaderColor, channelsColor)
var recentChannels = textBase.append(channelsHeaderColor.stylize("---[Teams]---\n"))
var recentChannelsCount = 0
for _, s := range testVar.Result.Conversations {
channels = append(channels, s.Channel)
if s.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM {
if recentChannelsCount <= ((maxY - 2) / 3) {
channel := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t#%s\n", s.Channel.Name, s.Channel.TopicName)
if s.Unread {
recentChannels += fmt.Sprintf("%s*", color(0))
recentChannels = recentChannels.append(channelUnreadColor.stylize("*" + channel))
} else {
recentChannels = recentChannels.appendString(channel)
recentChannels += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t#%s\n%s", s.Channel.Name, s.Channel.TopicName, channelsColor)
} else {
if recentPMsCount <= ((maxY - 2) / 3) {
pmName := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", cleanChannelName(s.Channel.Name))
if s.Unread {
recentChannels += fmt.Sprintf("%s*", color(0))
recentPMs = recentPMs.append(channelUnreadColor.stylize("*" + pmName))
} else {
recentPMs = recentPMs.appendString(pmName)
recentPMs += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", cleanChannelName(s.Channel.Name), channelsColor)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
printToView("List", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s", channelsColor, recentPMs, recentChannels, noColor))
go generateRecentTabCompletionSlice()
printToView("List", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", recentPMs.string(), recentChannels.string()))
// End update/populate views automatically
// Formatting
func formatMessageBody(body string) StyledString {
output := messageBodyColor.stylize(body)
output = colorReplaceMentionMe(output)
output = output.colorRegex(`_[^_]*_`, messageBodyColor.withItalic())
output = output.colorRegex(`~[^~]*~`, messageBodyColor.withStrikethrough())
output = output.colorRegex(`@[\w_]*(\.[\w_]+)*`, messageLinkKeybaseColor)
// TODO change how bold, italic etc works, so it uses boldOn boldOff ([1m and [22m)
output = output.colorRegex(`\*[^\*]*\*`, messageBodyColor.withBold())
output = output.replaceString("```", "<code>")
// TODO make background color cover whole line
output = output.colorRegex("<code>(.*\n)*<code>", messageCodeColor)
output = output.colorRegex("`[^`]*`", messageCodeColor)
// mention URL
output = output.colorRegex(`(https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*))`, messageLinkURLColor)
return output
// TODO use this more
func formatChannel(ch keybase.Channel) StyledString {
return messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize(fmt.Sprintf("@%s#%s", ch.Name, ch.TopicName))
func colorReplaceMentionMe(msg StyledString) StyledString {
return msg.colorRegex("(@?"+k.Username+")", mentionColor)
func colorUsername(username string) StyledString {
var color = messageSenderDefaultColor
if username == k.Username {
color = mentionColor
return color.stylize(username)
func cleanChannelName(c string) string {
newChannelName := strings.Replace(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s,", k.Username), "", 1)
return strings.Replace(newChannelName, fmt.Sprintf(",%s", k.Username), "", 1)
func formatOutput(api keybase.ChatAPI) string {
ret := ""
func formatMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI, formatString string) string {
ret := messageHeaderColor.stylize("")
msgType := api.Msg.Content.Type
switch msgType {
case "text", "attachment":
var c = messageHeaderColor
ret = colorText(outputFormat, c, noColor)
ret = messageHeaderColor.stylize(formatString)
tm := time.Unix(int64(api.Msg.SentAt), 0)
var msg = api.Msg.Content.Text.Body
// mention teams or users
msg = colorRegex(msg, `(@\w*(\.\w+)*)`, messageLinkColor, messageBodyColor)
// mention URL
msg = colorRegex(msg, `(https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*))`, messageLinkColor, messageBodyColor)
msg = colorText(colorReplaceMentionMe(msg, messageBodyColor), messageBodyColor, c)
var msg = formatMessageBody(api.Msg.Content.Text.Body)
if msgType == "attachment" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", api.Msg.Content.Attachment.Object.Title, colorText(fmt.Sprintf("[Attachment: %s]", api.Msg.Content.Attachment.Object.Filename), messageAttachmentColor, c))
msg = messageBodyColor.stylize("$TITLE\n$FILE")
attachment := api.Msg.Content.Attachment
msg = msg.replaceString("$TITLE", attachment.Object.Title)
msg = msg.replace("$FILE", messageAttachmentColor.stylize(fmt.Sprintf("[Attachment: %s]", attachment.Object.Filename)))
user := colorUsername(api.Msg.Sender.Username, c)
device := colorText(api.Msg.Sender.DeviceName, messageSenderDeviceColor, c)
msgID := colorText(fmt.Sprintf("%d", api.Msg.ID), messageIdColor, c)
ts := colorText(tm.Format(timeFormat), messageTimeColor, c)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$MSG", msg, 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$USER", user, 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$DEVICE", device, 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$ID", msgID, 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$TIME", ts, 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$DATE", colorText(tm.Format(dateFormat), messageTimeColor, c), 1)
ret = strings.Replace(ret, "```", fmt.Sprintf("\n<code>\n"), -1)
user := colorUsername(api.Msg.Sender.Username)
device := messageSenderDeviceColor.stylize(api.Msg.Sender.DeviceName)
msgID := messageIDColor.stylize(fmt.Sprintf("%d", api.Msg.ID))
date := messageTimeColor.stylize(tm.Format(dateFormat))
msgTime := messageTimeColor.stylize(tm.Format(timeFormat))
channelName := messageIDColor.stylize(fmt.Sprintf("@%s#%s", api.Msg.Channel.Name, api.Msg.Channel.TopicName))
ret = ret.replace("$MSG", msg)
ret = ret.replace("$USER", user)
ret = ret.replace("$DEVICE", device)
ret = ret.replace("$ID", msgID)
ret = ret.replace("$TIME", msgTime)
ret = ret.replace("$DATE", date)
ret = ret.replace("$TEAM", channelName)
return ret.string()
func formatOutput(api keybase.ChatAPI) string {
format := outputFormat
if stream {
format = outputStreamFormat
return ret
return formatMessage(api, format)
// End formatting
@ -410,9 +475,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) { @@ -410,9 +475,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) {
if api.Msg.Content.Type == "text" || api.Msg.Content.Type == "attachment" {
go populateList()
msgBody := api.Msg.Content.Text.Body
msgSender := api.Msg.Sender.Username
channelName := api.Msg.Channel.Name
if !stream {
if msgSender != k.Username {
if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM {
@ -421,7 +484,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) { @@ -421,7 +484,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) {
if m.Text == k.Username {
// We are in a team
if topicName != channel.TopicName {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("[ %s#%s ] %s: %s", channelName, topicName, msgSender, msgBody))
printInfo(formatMessage(api, mentionFormat))
@ -430,7 +493,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) { @@ -430,7 +493,7 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) {
} else {
if msgSender != channel.Name {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("PM from @%s: %s", cleanChannelName(channelName), msgBody))
printInfo(formatMessage(api, pmFormat))
@ -446,10 +509,9 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) { @@ -446,10 +509,9 @@ func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI) {
} else {
if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM {
topicName := api.Msg.Channel.TopicName
printToView("Chat", fmt.Sprintf("@%s#%s [%s]: %s", channelName, topicName, msgSender, msgBody))
printToView("Chat", formatOutput(api))
} else {
printToView("Chat", fmt.Sprintf("PM @%s [%s]: %s", cleanChannelName(channelName), msgSender, msgBody))
printToView("Chat", formatMessage(api, pmFormat))
} else {
@ -494,7 +556,7 @@ func handleInput(viewName string) error { @@ -494,7 +556,7 @@ func handleInput(viewName string) error {
} else if cmd[0] == "q" || cmd[0] == "quit" {
return gocui.ErrQuit
} else {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Command '%s' not recognized", cmd[0]))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("Command '%s' not recognized", cmd[0]))
return nil
@ -517,7 +579,7 @@ func sendChat(message string) { @@ -517,7 +579,7 @@ func sendChat(message string) {
chat := k.NewChat(channel)
_, err := chat.Send(message)
if err != nil {
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error %+v", err))
printError(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error %+v", err))


@ -20,15 +20,17 @@ func init() { @@ -20,15 +20,17 @@ func init() {
func tcmdShowReactions(m keybase.ChatAPI) {
where := ""
team := false
user := colorUsername(m.Msg.Sender.Username)
id := messageIDColor.stylize(fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Msg.Content.Reaction.M))
reaction := messageReactionColor.stylize(m.Msg.Content.Reaction.B)
where := messageLinkKeybaseColor.stylize("a PM")
if m.Msg.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM {
team = true
where = fmt.Sprintf("in @%s#%s", m.Msg.Channel.Name, m.Msg.Channel.TopicName)
where = formatChannel(m.Msg.Channel)
} else {
where = fmt.Sprintf("in a PM")
printToView("Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%s reacted to %d with %s %s", m.Msg.Sender.Username, m.Msg.Content.Reaction.M, m.Msg.Content.Reaction.B, where))
printInfoF("$TEXT reacted to [$TEXT] with $TEXT in $TEXT", user, id, reaction, where)
if channel.Name == m.Msg.Channel.Name {
if team {
if channel.TopicName == m.Msg.Channel.TopicName {


@ -3,22 +3,32 @@ package main @@ -3,22 +3,32 @@ package main
// Path where Downloaded files will default to
var downloadPath = "/tmp/"
var colorless = false
var channelsColor = color(8)
var channelsHeaderColor = color(6)
var noColor = color(-1)
var mentionColor = color(3)
var messageHeaderColor = color(8)
var messageIdColor = color(7)
var messageTimeColor = color(6)
var messageSenderDefaultColor = color(8)
var messageSenderDeviceColor = color(8)
var messageBodyColor = noColor
var messageAttachmentColor = color(2)
var messageLinkColor = color(4)
var colorless bool = false
var channelsColor = basicStyle
var channelUnreadColor = channelsColor.withForeground(green).withItalic()
var channelsHeaderColor = channelsColor.withForeground(magenta).withBold()
var mentionColor = basicStyle.withForeground(green)
var messageHeaderColor = basicStyle.withForeground(grey)
var messageIDColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow)
var messageTimeColor = basicStyle.withForeground(magenta)
var messageSenderDefaultColor = basicStyle.withForeground(cyan)
var messageSenderDeviceColor = messageSenderDefaultColor
var messageBodyColor = basicStyle
var messageAttachmentColor = basicStyle.withForeground(red)
var messageLinkURLColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow)
var messageLinkKeybaseColor = basicStyle.withForeground(yellow)
var messageReactionColor = basicStyle.withForeground(magenta)
var messageCodeColor = basicStyle.withBackground(grey).withForeground(cyan)
var feedColor = basicStyle.withForeground(grey)
var errorColor = basicStyle.withForeground(red)
// BASH-like PS1 variable equivalent
var outputFormat = "┌──[$USER@$DEVICE] [$ID] [$DATE - $TIME]\n└╼ $MSG"
var outputStreamFormat = "┌──[$TEAM] [$USER@$DEVICE] [$ID] [$DATE - $TIME]\n└╼ $MSG"
var mentionFormat = outputStreamFormat
var pmFormat = "PM from $USER@$DEVICE: $MSG"
// 02 = Day, Jan = Month, 06 = Year
var dateFormat = "02Jan06"
