Golang bot for managing discord verifications
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

86 lines
2.9 KiB

require! <[./build fs ./config]>
module.exports = (grunt)->
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-clean
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-copy
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-uglify
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-watch
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-livescript
grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-karma
grunt.initConfig do
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON './package.json'
uglify: build:
files: '<%=grunt.option("path")%>.min.js': '<%=grunt.option("path")%>.js'
mangle: {+keep_fnames}
compress: {+keep_fnames, +pure_getters}
output: {max_line_len: 32000}
ie8: on
sourceMap: on
banner: config.banner
livescript: src: files:
'./tests/helpers.js': './tests/helpers/*'
'./tests/tests.js': './tests/tests/*'
'./tests/library.js': './tests/library/*'
'./tests/es.js': './tests/tests/es*'
'./tests/experimental.js': './tests/experimental/*'
'./build/index.js': './build/build.ls*'
clean: <[./library]>
copy: lib: files:
* expand: on
cwd: './'
src: <[es5/** es6/** es7/** stage/** web/** core/** fn/** index.js shim.js]>
dest: './library/'
* expand: on
cwd: './'
src: <[modules/*]>
dest: './library/'
filter: \isFile
* expand: on
cwd: './modules/library/'
src: '*'
dest: './library/modules/'
files: './modules/*'
tasks: \default
files: './tests/tests/*'
tasks: \livescript
configFile: './tests/karma.conf.js'
browsers: <[PhantomJS]>
singleRun: on
'default': {}
'library': files: <[client/library.js tests/helpers.js tests/library.js]>map -> src: it
grunt.registerTask \build (options)->
done = @async!
build {
modules: (options || 'es5,es6,es7,js,web,core')split \,
blacklist: (grunt.option(\blacklist) || '')split \,
library: grunt.option(\library) in <[yes on true]>
umd: grunt.option(\umd) not in <[no off false]>
.then !->
grunt.option(\path) || grunt.option(\path, './custom')
fs.writeFile grunt.option(\path) + '.js', it, done
.catch !->
console.error it
process.exit 1
grunt.registerTask \client ->
grunt.option \library ''
grunt.option \path './client/core'
grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core uglify]>
grunt.registerTask \library ->
grunt.option \library 'true'
grunt.option \path './client/library'
grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core uglify]>
grunt.registerTask \shim ->
grunt.option \library ''
grunt.option \path './client/shim'
grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web uglify]>
grunt.registerTask \e ->
grunt.option \library ''>
grunt.option \path './client/core'
grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core,exp uglify]>
grunt.registerTask \default <[clean copy client library shim]>