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193 lines
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193 lines
8.6 KiB
// |
const typedArrayMethods = [ |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.from", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.of", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.join", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.slice", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.every", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.filter", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach", |
"typed arrays /", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.some", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.sort", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.find", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.fill", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.keys", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.values", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype.entries", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%.prototype[Symbol.iterator]", |
"typed arrays / %TypedArray%[Symbol.species]", |
]; |
const es2015 = { |
"es6.typed.array-buffer": "typed arrays / ArrayBuffer[Symbol.species]", |
"": "typed arrays / DataView", |
"es6.typed.int8-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Int8Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.uint8-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Uint8Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.uint8-clamped-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Uint8ClampedArray"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.int16-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Int16Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.uint16-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Uint16Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.int32-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Int32Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.uint32-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Uint32Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.float32-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Float32Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"es6.typed.float64-array": { |
features: ["typed arrays / Float64Array"].concat(typedArrayMethods) |
}, |
"": "Map", |
"es6.set": "Set", |
"es6.weak-map": "WeakMap", |
"es6.weak-set": "WeakSet", |
// Proxy not implementable |
"es6.reflect.apply": "Reflect / Reflect.apply", |
"es6.reflect.construct": "Reflect / Reflect.construct", |
"es6.reflect.define-property": "Reflect / Reflect.defineProperty", |
"es6.reflect.delete-property": "Reflect / Reflect.deleteProperty", |
"es6.reflect.get": "Reflect / Reflect.get", |
"es6.reflect.get-own-property-descriptor": "Reflect / Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", |
"es6.reflect.get-prototype-of": "Reflect / Reflect.getPrototypeOf", |
"es6.reflect.has": "Reflect / Reflect.has", |
"": "Reflect / Reflect.isExtensible", |
"es6.reflect.own-keys": "Reflect / Reflect.ownKeys", |
"es6.reflect.prevent-extensions": "Reflect / Reflect.preventExtensions", |
"es6.reflect.set": "Reflect / Reflect.set", |
"es6.reflect.set-prototype-of": "Reflect / Reflect.setPrototypeOf", |
"es6.promise": "Promise", |
"es6.symbol": { |
features: [ |
"Symbol", |
"Object static methods / Object.getOwnPropertySymbols", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.hasInstance", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.iterator", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.match", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.replace", |
"well-known symbols /", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.species", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.split", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.toPrimitive", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.toStringTag", |
"well-known symbols / Symbol.unscopables", |
] |
}, |
"es6.object.freeze": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.freeze", |
"es6.object.seal": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.seal", |
"es6.object.prevent-extensions": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.preventExtensions", |
"": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.isFrozen", |
"": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.isSealed", |
"": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.isExtensible", |
"es6.object.get-own-property-descriptor": |
"Object static methods accept primitives / Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", |
"es6.object.get-prototype-of": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.getPrototypeOf", |
"es6.object.keys": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.keys", |
"es6.object.get-own-property-names": "Object static methods accept primitives / Object.getOwnPropertyNames", |
"es6.object.assign": "Object static methods / Object.assign", |
"": "Object static methods /", |
"es6.object.set-prototype-of": "Object static methods / Object.setPrototypeOf", |
"": "function \"name\" property", |
"es6.string.raw": "String static methods / String.raw", |
"es6.string.from-code-point": "String static methods / String.fromCodePoint", |
"es6.string.code-point-at": "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.codePointAt", |
// "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.normalize" not implemented |
"es6.string.repeat": "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.repeat", |
"es6.string.starts-with": "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.startsWith", |
"es6.string.ends-with": "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.endsWith", |
"es6.string.includes": "String.prototype methods / String.prototype.includes", |
"es6.regexp.flags": "RegExp.prototype properties / RegExp.prototype.flags", |
"es6.regexp.match": "RegExp.prototype properties / RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match]", |
"es6.regexp.replace": "RegExp.prototype properties / RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace]", |
"es6.regexp.split": "RegExp.prototype properties / RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split]", |
"": "RegExp.prototype properties / RegExp.prototype[]", |
"es6.array.from": "Array static methods / Array.from", |
"es6.array.of": "Array static methods / Array.of", |
"es6.array.copy-within": "Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.copyWithin", |
"es6.array.find": "Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.find", |
"es6.array.find-index": "Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.findIndex", |
"es6.array.fill": "Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.fill", |
"es6.array.iterator": { |
features: [ |
"Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.keys", |
// can use Symbol.iterator, not implemented in many environments |
// "Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.values", |
"Array.prototype methods / Array.prototype.entries", |
] |
}, |
"": "Number properties / Number.isFinite", |
"": "Number properties / Number.isInteger", |
"": "Number properties / Number.isSafeInteger", |
"": "Number properties / Number.isNaN", |
"es6.number.epsilon": "Number properties / Number.EPSILON", |
"es6.number.min-safe-integer": "Number properties / Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", |
"es6.number.max-safe-integer": "Number properties / Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", |
"es6.math.acosh": "Math methods / Math.acosh", |
"es6.math.asinh": "Math methods / Math.asinh", |
"es6.math.atanh": "Math methods / Math.atanh", |
"es6.math.cbrt": "Math methods / Math.cbrt", |
"es6.math.clz32": "Math methods / Math.clz32", |
"es6.math.cosh": "Math methods / Math.cosh", |
"es6.math.expm1": "Math methods / Math.expm1", |
"es6.math.fround": "Math methods / Math.fround", |
"es6.math.hypot": "Math methods / Math.hypot", |
"es6.math.imul": "Math methods / Math.imul", |
"es6.math.log1p": "Math methods / Math.log1p", |
"es6.math.log10": "Math methods / Math.log10", |
"es6.math.log2": "Math methods / Math.log2", |
"es6.math.sign": "Math methods / Math.sign", |
"es6.math.sinh": "Math methods / Math.sinh", |
"es6.math.tanh": "Math methods / Math.tanh", |
"es6.math.trunc": "Math methods / Math.trunc", |
}; |
const es2016 = { |
"es7.array.includes": "Array.prototype.includes", |
}; |
const es2017 = { |
"es7.object.values": "Object static methods / Object.values", |
"es7.object.entries": "Object static methods / Object.entries", |
"es7.object.get-own-property-descriptors": "Object static methods / Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors", |
"es7.string.pad-start": "String padding / String.prototype.padStart", |
"es7.string.pad-end": "String padding / String.prototype.padEnd", |
}; |
module.exports = Object.assign({}, es2015, es2016, es2017);