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package chess
import (
// Encoder is the interface implemented by objects that can
// encode a move into a string given the position. It is not
// the encoders responsibility to validate the move.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(pos *Position, m *Move) string
// Decoder is the interface implemented by objects that can
// decode a string into a move given the position. It is not
// the decoders responsibility to validate the move. An error
// is returned if the string could not be decoded.
type Decoder interface {
Decode(pos *Position, s string) (*Move, error)
// Notation is the interface implemented by objects that can
// encode and decode moves.
type Notation interface {
// LongAlgebraicNotation is a more computer friendly alternative to algebraic
// notation. This notation uses the same format as the UCI (Universal Chess
// Interface). Examples: e2e4, e7e5, e1g1 (white short castling), e7e8q (for promotion)
type LongAlgebraicNotation struct{}
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface and returns
// the notation's name.
func (_ LongAlgebraicNotation) String() string {
return "Long Algebraic Notation"
// Encode implements the Encoder interface.
func (_ LongAlgebraicNotation) Encode(pos *Position, m *Move) string {
return m.S1().String() + m.S2().String() + m.Promo().String()
// Decode implements the Decoder interface.
func (_ LongAlgebraicNotation) Decode(pos *Position, s string) (*Move, error) {
l := len(s)
err := fmt.Errorf(`chess: failed to decode long algebraic notation text "%s" for position %s`, s, pos.String())
if l < 4 || l > 5 {
return nil, err
s1, ok := strToSquareMap[s[0:2]]
if !ok {
return nil, err
s2, ok := strToSquareMap[s[2:4]]
if !ok {
return nil, err
promo := NoPieceType
if l == 5 {
promo = pieceTypeFromChar(s[4:5])
if promo == NoPieceType {
return nil, err
m := &Move{s1: s1, s2: s2, promo: promo}
p := pos.Board().Piece(s1)
if p.Type() == King {
if (s1 == E1 && s2 == G1) || (s1 == E8 && s2 == G8) {
} else if (s1 == E1 && s2 == C1) || (s1 == E8 && s2 == C8) {
} else if p.Type() == Pawn && s2 == pos.enPassantSquare {
c1 := p.Color()
c2 := pos.Board().Piece(s2).Color()
if c2 != NoColor && c1 != c2 {
return m, nil
// AlgebraicNotation (or Standard Algebraic Notation) is the
// official chess notation used by FIDE. Examples: e2, e5,
// O-O (short castling), e8=Q (promotion)
type AlgebraicNotation struct{}
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface and returns
// the notation's name.
func (_ AlgebraicNotation) String() string {
return "Algebraic Notation"
// Encode implements the Encoder interface.
func (_ AlgebraicNotation) Encode(pos *Position, m *Move) string {
checkChar := getCheckChar(pos, m)
if m.HasTag(KingSideCastle) {
return "O-O" + checkChar
} else if m.HasTag(QueenSideCastle) {
return "O-O-O" + checkChar
p := pos.Board().Piece(m.S1())
pChar := charFromPieceType(p.Type())
s1Str := formS1(pos, m)
capChar := ""
if m.HasTag(Capture) || m.HasTag(EnPassant) {
capChar = "x"
if p.Type() == Pawn && s1Str == "" {
capChar = m.s1.File().String() + "x"
promoText := charForPromo(
return pChar + s1Str + capChar + m.s2.String() + promoText + checkChar
// Decode implements the Decoder interface.
func (_ AlgebraicNotation) Decode(pos *Position, s string) (*Move, error) {
s = removeSubstrings(s, "?", "!", "+", "#", "e.p.")
for _, m := range pos.ValidMoves() {
str := AlgebraicNotation{}.Encode(pos, m)
str = removeSubstrings(str, "?", "!", "+", "#", "e.p.")
if str == s {
return m, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("chess: could not decode algebraic notation %s for position %s", s, pos.String())
func getCheckChar(pos *Position, move *Move) string {
if !move.HasTag(Check) {
return ""
nextPos := pos.Update(move)
if nextPos.Status() == Checkmate {
return "#"
return "+"
func formS1(pos *Position, m *Move) string {
p := pos.board.Piece(m.s1)
if p.Type() == Pawn {
return ""
var req, fileReq, rankReq bool
moves := pos.ValidMoves()
for _, mv := range moves {
if mv.s1 != m.s1 && mv.s2 == m.s2 && p == pos.board.Piece(mv.s1) {
req = true
if mv.s1.File() == m.s1.File() {
rankReq = true;
if mv.s1.Rank() == m.s1.Rank() {
fileReq = true
var s1 = ""
if fileReq || !rankReq && req {
s1 = m.s1.File().String()
if rankReq {
s1 += m.s1.Rank().String()
return s1
func charForPromo(p PieceType) string {
c := charFromPieceType(p)
if c != "" {
c = "=" + c
return c
func charFromPieceType(p PieceType) string {
switch p {
case King:
return "K"
case Queen:
return "Q"
case Rook:
return "R"
case Bishop:
return "B"
case Knight:
return "N"
return ""
func pieceTypeFromChar(c string) PieceType {
switch c {
case "q":
return Queen
case "r":
return Rook
case "b":
return Bishop
case "n":
return Knight
return NoPieceType
func removeSubstrings(s string, subs ...string) string {
for _, sub := range subs {
s = strings.Replace(s, sub, "", -1)
return s