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package chess
// A MoveTag represents a notable consequence of a move.
type MoveTag uint16
const (
// KingSideCastle indicates that the move is a king side castle.
KingSideCastle MoveTag = 1 << iota
// QueenSideCastle indicates that the move is a queen side castle.
// Capture indicates that the move captures a piece.
// EnPassant indicates that the move captures via en passant.
// Check indicates that the move puts the opposing player in check.
// inCheck indicates that the move puts the moving player in check and
// is therefore invalid.
// A Move is the movement of a piece from one square to another.
type Move struct {
s1 Square
s2 Square
promo PieceType
tags MoveTag
// String returns a string useful for debugging. String doesn't return
// algebraic notation.
func (m *Move) String() string {
return m.s1.String() + m.s2.String() +
// S1 returns the origin square of the move.
func (m *Move) S1() Square {
return m.s1
// S2 returns the destination square of the move.
func (m *Move) S2() Square {
return m.s2
// Promo returns promotion piece type of the move.
func (m *Move) Promo() PieceType {
// HasTag returns true if the move contains the MoveTag given.
func (m *Move) HasTag(tag MoveTag) bool {
return (tag & m.tags) > 0
func (m *Move) addTag(tag MoveTag) {
m.tags = m.tags | tag
type moveSlice []*Move
func (a moveSlice) find(m *Move) *Move {
if m == nil {
return nil
for _, move := range a {
if move.String() == m.String() {
return move
return nil