package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) func enableClimate(i int) { temp, err := strconv.ParseFloat(window.ClimateSettingSpinbox.Text(), 64) if err != nil { showDialogue(true, "Unable to parse temp setting\n%+v", err) } if guiSettings.GuiTemperatureUnits == "F" { temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9 } if i == 0 { vehicle.StopAirConditioning() } else { vehicle.SetTemperature(temp, temp) vehicle.StartAirConditioning() } go setValues() } func lockDoors(b bool) { if b { vehicle.UnlockDoors() } else { vehicle.LockDoors() } go setValues() } func enableCharging(b bool) { if b { vehicle.StopCharging() } else { vehicle.StartCharging() } go setValues() } func honkHorn(c bool) { err := vehicle.HonkHorn() if err != nil { showDialogue(true, "There was an error honking the horn\n%+v", err) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } go setValues() } func flash(c bool) { err := vehicle.FlashLights() if err != nil { showDialogue(true, "There was an error flashing the lights\n%+v", err) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } go setValues() } func openTrunk(c bool) { err := vehicle.OpenTrunk("rear") if err != nil { showDialogue(true, "There was an error opening your trunk\n%+v", err) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } go setValues() } func openFrunk(c bool) { err := vehicle.OpenTrunk("front") if err != nil { showDialogue(true, "There was an error opening your frunk\n%+v", err) fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } go setValues() } func showDialogue(recover bool, msg string, a ...interface{}) { popup = true if !recover { window.Close() } dialogue := widgets.NewQDialog(nil, 0) centralWidget := widgets.NewQWidget(dialogue, 0) actionHBox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() formLayout := widgets.NewQFormLayout(nil) contBtn := widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) quitBtn := widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) message := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) dialogue.SetWindowTitle("TeslaGo Alert") dialogue.SetMinimumWidth(255) dialogue.SetMinimumHeight(50 + (20 * (1 + strings.Count(msg, "\n")))) contBtn.SetText("Continue") quitBtn.SetText("Quit") message.SetText(fmt.Sprintf(msg, a...)) message.SetWordWrap(true) contBtn.ConnectClicked(func(checked bool) { window.Show() popup = false dialogue.Close() go setValues() }) quitBtn.ConnectClicked(func(checked bool) { mainApp.Quit() }) if recover { actionHBox.AddWidget(contBtn, 0, 0) } actionHBox.AddWidget(quitBtn, 0, 0) formLayout.AddRow5(message) formLayout.AddRow6(actionHBox) centralWidget.SetLayout(formLayout) dialogue.Show() } func formatDuration(d time.Duration) string { d = d.Round(time.Minute) h := d / time.Hour d -= h * time.Hour m := d / time.Minute return fmt.Sprintf("%02dh%02dm", h, m) }