Gregory Rudolph
4 years ago
7 changed files with 1412 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
{ |
"configurations": [ |
{ |
"name": "Linux", |
"includePath": [ |
"${workspaceFolder}/**", |
"/usr/include/qt", |
"/usr/include/qt/QtWidgets", |
"/usr/include/qt/QtGui", |
"/usr/include/qt/QtCore", |
"/usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++", |
"/usr/include/KF5/KSyntaxHighlighting", |
"/usr/include/KF5/KWallet" |
], |
"defines": [], |
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang", |
"cStandard": "c17", |
"cppStandard": "c++14", |
"intelliSenseMode": "linux-clang-x64" |
} |
], |
"version": 4 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
{ |
"files.associations": { |
"*.COBOL*": "cobol", |
"*.COB*": "cobol", |
"*.COBCOPY*": "cobol", |
"*.COPYBOOK*": "cobol", |
"*.COPY*": "cobol", |
"*.PL1*": "pl1", |
"*.PLI*": "pl1", |
"*.INC*": "pl1", |
"*.INCLUDE*": "pl1", |
"*.JCL*": "jcl", |
"*.ASM*": "hlasm", |
"*.ASSEMBLE*": "hlasm", |
"*.HLASM*": "hlasm", |
"*.HLA*": "hlasm", |
"qapplication": "cpp", |
"iostream": "cpp", |
"ostream": "cpp", |
"cctype": "cpp", |
"clocale": "cpp", |
"cmath": "cpp", |
"cstdarg": "cpp", |
"cstddef": "cpp", |
"cstdio": "cpp", |
"cstdlib": "cpp", |
"cstring": "cpp", |
"ctime": "cpp", |
"cwchar": "cpp", |
"cwctype": "cpp", |
"array": "cpp", |
"atomic": "cpp", |
"hash_map": "cpp", |
"bit": "cpp", |
"*.tcc": "cpp", |
"chrono": "cpp", |
"compare": "cpp", |
"concepts": "cpp", |
"condition_variable": "cpp", |
"cstdint": "cpp", |
"deque": "cpp", |
"list": "cpp", |
"map": "cpp", |
"set": "cpp", |
"unordered_map": "cpp", |
"unordered_set": "cpp", |
"vector": "cpp", |
"exception": "cpp", |
"algorithm": "cpp", |
"functional": "cpp", |
"iterator": "cpp", |
"memory": "cpp", |
"memory_resource": "cpp", |
"numeric": "cpp", |
"optional": "cpp", |
"random": "cpp", |
"ratio": "cpp", |
"string": "cpp", |
"string_view": "cpp", |
"system_error": "cpp", |
"tuple": "cpp", |
"type_traits": "cpp", |
"utility": "cpp", |
"fstream": "cpp", |
"future": "cpp", |
"initializer_list": "cpp", |
"iomanip": "cpp", |
"iosfwd": "cpp", |
"istream": "cpp", |
"limits": "cpp", |
"mutex": "cpp", |
"new": "cpp", |
"ranges": "cpp", |
"sstream": "cpp", |
"stdexcept": "cpp", |
"stop_token": "cpp", |
"streambuf": "cpp", |
"thread": "cpp", |
"cinttypes": "cpp", |
"typeinfo": "cpp", |
"valarray": "cpp", |
"variant": "cpp" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
###################################################################### |
# Automatically generated by qmake (3.1) Mon Feb 22 13:07:54 2021 |
###################################################################### |
TEMPLATE = app |
# You can make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. |
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line. |
# Please consult the documentation of the deprecated API in order to know |
# how to port your code away from it. |
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. |
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 |
QT += core widgets KSyntaxHighlighting |
LIBS += -lKF5Wallet |
# Input |
HEADERS += main.h |
SOURCES += main.cpp |
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ |
#include "main.h" |
// Main sets up the Application/GUI, and tries to retrieveLogin()
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
QApplication app(argc,argv); |
QWidget *window = new QWidget; |
domainLE = new QLineEdit; |
tokenUsername = new QLineEdit; |
tokenCode = new QLineEdit; |
ntUsername = new QLineEdit; |
ntPassword = new QLineEdit; |
authSystemLE = new QLineEdit; |
rememberCredentials = new QCheckBox; |
vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; |
vdiLoginLayout = new QFormLayout; |
domainLE->setPlaceholderText("Horizon Domain"); |
tokenUsername->setPlaceholderText("Email address"); |
tokenUsername->setMinimumWidth(250); |
tokenCode->setPlaceholderText("RSA Token code"); |
ntUsername->setPlaceholderText("Windows username"); |
ntPassword->setPlaceholderText("Windows password"); |
ntPassword->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); |
QPushButton loginBtn("Log In"); |
loginBtn.setToolTip("Click here to log in using the data entered."); |
authSystemLE->setPlaceholderText("Optional Auth System"); |
// Try to populate form before adding to the layout
retrieveLogin(); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("Domain: ", domainLE); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("Token Username:", tokenUsername); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("RSA Token:", tokenCode); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("NT Username:", ntUsername); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("NT Password:", ntPassword); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("Auth System:", authSystemLE); |
vdiLoginLayout->addRow("Remember Credentials:", rememberCredentials); |
vboxLayout->addItem(vdiLoginLayout); |
vboxLayout->addWidget(&loginBtn); |
QObject::connect(&loginBtn, &QPushButton::released, tryLogin); |
window->setLayout(vboxLayout); |
window->show(); |
return app.exec(); |
} |
// walletOpen() returns a pointer to the kwallet, or throws an error if the wallet is unable to open.
KWallet::Wallet* walletOpen() { |
KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(), 0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous); |
if (wallet->hasFolder(KWallet::Wallet::FormDataFolder())) { |
if (!wallet->setFolder(KWallet::Wallet::FormDataFolder())) { |
std::cout << "Wallet folder could not be set." << std::endl; |
throw -1; |
} |
} else { |
std::cout << "Wallet did not have folder, creating." << std::endl; |
if(wallet->createFolder(KWallet::Wallet::FormDataFolder())) { |
if (!wallet->setFolder(KWallet::Wallet::FormDataFolder())) { |
std::cout << "Wallet folder could not be set." << std::endl; |
throw -1; |
} |
} else { |
std::cout << "Could not create folder." << std::endl; |
throw -1; |
} |
} |
return wallet; |
} |
// retrieve login information from kwallet using walletOpen() or die
void retrieveLogin() { |
try { |
wallet = walletOpen(); |
} catch (int e) { |
exit(-1); |
} |
QMap<QString, QString> map; |
if (wallet->readMap("", map) == 0) { |
domainLE->setText(map[QString("domain")]); |
tokenUsername->setText(map[QString("tokenUsername")]); |
ntUsername->setText(map[QString("ntUsername")]); |
ntPassword->setText(map[QString("ntPassword")]); |
authSystemLE->setText(map[QString("authSystem")]); |
if (tokenUsername->text().length() > 0) { |
rememberCredentials->setChecked(true); |
} |
} else { |
std::cout << "Error loading from wallet, is it populated?" << std::endl; |
} |
} |
// save login information to kwallet using walletOpen() or die
void saveLogin() { |
try { |
wallet = walletOpen(); |
} catch (int e) { |
exit(-1); |
} |
QMap<QString, QString> map; |
map[QString("domain")] = domainLE->text(); |
map[QString("tokenUsername")] = tokenUsername->text(); |
map[QString("ntUsername")] = ntUsername->text(); |
map[QString("ntPassword")] = ntPassword->text(); |
map[QString("authSystem")] = authSystemLE->text(); |
if (!wallet->writeMap("", map)) { |
std::cout << "Error writing to Wallet!" << std::endl; |
} |
} |
void tryLogin() { |
if (rememberCredentials->isChecked()) { |
saveLogin(); |
} |
if(debug) { |
std::cout << "tryLogin()" << std::endl; |
std::cout << "\tToken Username: " << tokenUsername->text().toStdString() << std::endl; |
std::cout << "\tToken Code: " << tokenCode->text().toStdString() << std::endl; |
std::cout << "\tntUsername: " << ntUsername->text().toStdString() << std::endl; |
std::cout << "\tntPassword Length: " << ntPassword->text().length() << std::endl; |
std::cout << "\tAuth System: " << authSystemLE->text().toStdString() << std::endl; |
if (rememberCredentials->isChecked()) { |
std::cout << "\tRemember creds: true" << std::endl; |
} else { |
std::cout << "\tRemember creds: false" << std::endl; |
} |
} |
// -q, --nonInteractive Connect automatically if enough values are given on the command line.
QString command = "vmware-view -q"; |
if (domainLE->text().length() > 0) { |
// -s, --serverURL=<broker URL> Specify connection broker.
command += " -s \'" + domainLE->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (authSystemLE->text().length() > 0) { |
// -d, --domainName=<domain name> Specify domain for password authentication
command += " -d \'" + authSystemLE->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (tokenUsername->text().length() > 0) { |
// -t, --tokenUserName=<token user name> Specify user name for RSA or Radius authentication.
command += " -t \'" + tokenUsername->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (tokenCode->text().length() > 0 ) { |
// -c, --passcode=<passcode> Specify passcode for RSA or Radius authentication.
command += " -c \'" + tokenCode->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (ntUsername->text().length() > 0) { |
// -u, --userName=<user name> Specify user name for password authentication.
command += " -u \'" + ntUsername->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (ntPassword->text().length() > 0) { |
//-p, --password=<password> Specify password for password authentication.
command += " -p \'" + ntPassword->text() + "\'"; |
} |
if (debug) { |
std::cout << command.toStdString() << std::endl; |
} else { |
system(command.toStdString().c_str()); |
} |
exit(0); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
#include <QApplication> |
#include <QFormLayout> |
#include <QPushButton> |
#include <QVBoxLayout> |
#include <QLineEdit> |
#include <QSpinBox> |
#include <QCheckBox> |
#include <QComboBox> |
#include <QStringList> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <ctime> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <kwallet.h> |
QLineEdit *domainLE; |
QLineEdit *tokenUsername; |
QLineEdit *tokenCode; |
QLineEdit *ntUsername; |
QLineEdit *ntPassword; |
QLineEdit *authSystemLE; |
QCheckBox *rememberCredentials; |
QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout; |
QFormLayout *vdiLoginLayout; |
KWallet::Wallet *wallet; |
bool debug = false; |
KWallet::Wallet* walletOpen(); |
void saveLogin(); |
void retrieveLogin(); |
void tryLogin(); |
Reference in new issue