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4 years ago
package main
// Evidence Types
const (
EMF5 = iota // 0
FreezingTemps // 1
SpiritBox // 2
GhostWriting // 3
Fingerprints // 4
GhostOrbs // 5
4 years ago
func evidenceToStr(tag int) string {
switch tag {
case 0:
return "EMF5"
case 1:
return "Freezing Temps"
case 2:
return "Spirit Box"
case 3:
return "Ghost Writing"
case 4:
return "Fingerprints"
case 5:
return "Ghost Orbs"
return ""
4 years ago
// Bonus Objectives
const (
Photo = iota
4 years ago
func objectiveToStr(tag int) string {
switch tag {
case 0:
return "Capture a photo of the ghost."
case 1:
return "Witness a ghost event."
case 2:
return "Get the ghost to walk through a motion sensor."
case 3:
return "Stop a hunt with a crucifix."
case 4:
return "Get an EMF reading."
case 5:
return "Cleanse the area around the ghost with a Smudge stick."
case 6:
return "Smudge the ghost during a hunt."
case 7:
return "Get the ghost to walk through salt."
case 8:
return "Get the ghost to blow out a candle."
case 9:
return "Get an average sanity of below 25%."
case 10:
return "Have a mamber of your team escape a ghost hunt."
case 11:
return "Complete the investigation with no deaths."
return ""
4 years ago
// Game for Phasbot
type Game struct {
Identifier string
PostID string
Ghost Spookster
PossibleGhosts []Spookster
PossibleEvidence []int
RoomID string
Evidence []int
Objective []int
// Ghost type (but didn't want to call it ghost bc variable name)
type Spookster struct {
GhostType string
GhostName string
Evidence []int
Strengths string
Weaknesses string
Description string